
Academy of Warren curriculum is housed within a dynamic, web-based structure referred to as the Curriculum Crafter® Tool - and it comes to life in our classrooms!


The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were developed by teachers, parents and community leaders under the auspices of the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers.  The CCSS were created to provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, allowing teachers, support staff and parents to know exactly what should be done need to help students succeed. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. 

Academy of Warren uses  "power standards" to assist teachers with targeting vital foundational skills for each grade level required for student advancement and growth.  

Please click on these two links to access the full CCSS sites:        

Common Core English Literacy

Common Core Mathematics

The ability to communicate clearly is critical to the ongoing success of every student.  ELA standards require proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening.  Students from Kindergarten to 8th grade will learn to appreciate the art of communication, develop the craft of the written word, and become effective listeners and speakers. They will use their communication skills in one on one conversations, working in collaborative groups, presenting to large and small audiences.

At Academy of Warren, we use HMH as our curriculum:

K-5 Into Reading:

6-8 Into Lit:

The National Counsel for Teaching of Mathematics has identified eight areas that all educators from grades Kindergarten through 8th grade will develop in their students.  The goal is mathematical proficiency in Geometry, Measurement and Data, Numbers and Operations using Fractions, Numbers and Operations using Base 10, Operations in Algebraic Thinking.  

At Academy of Warren, we use HMH as our curriculum:

K-8 Into Math:

At the Academy of Warren, we embrace a philosophy of personalized instruction. Special Education includes students who are talented and gifted (TAG) and require individualized instruction to ensure they are challenged and supported in their educational experience. Research supports that special education students are often best served by participating in the general education classroom. Special education teachers and para-educators work collaboratively with teachers to provide personalized instructional programs for every child.

Online Course Options

Students who need to earn credits for grades 5th - 8th, have an opportunity to take courses online.  AOW administrators, counselors, teachers and support staff will meet with parents to determine the best course of action to ensure all AOW students can earn course credits.  Please click on the link below to view course requirements and offerings.

MIVU course catalog

Early Intervention

We understand that early intervention is key to solving learning difficulties. Our knowledgeable staff works together as a team to provide individualized attention and best practice differentiated instruction for every child.  Special education students receive focused accommodations and modified assignments so that each child can perform at his or her fullest potential - academically, socially and developmentally.

Learning Disabilities

Approach to Determination of Specific Learning Disabilities The academy has adopted the Wayne County RESA Guidelines for determining eligibility for specific learning disabilities which combines three tiered processes of Response to Intervention (RTI) and Patterns of Strengths and Weakness. You may access these guidelines by going to the following link:

Learn more about Specific Learning Disabilities

You can also obtain additional information by referring to the Student Handbook or contacting the school.

What is a Specific Learning Disability (SLD)?

A specific learning disability is "a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia that adversely affects a student's educational performance. A specific learning disability does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities; mental retardation; emotional disturbance; or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage." (34 CFR § 300.8(c) (10).

Determination of SLD

Response to Intervention (RtI)

With the Response to Intervention method, the student is provided with explicit evidence-based interventions. Student progress is carefully measured and the instructional interventions are adjusted to teach the skills necessary for the student to make progress toward age or grade level standards. Based on the student's response to the interventions, the group then determines whether or not the student demonstrates a specific learning disability.

Patterns of Strength and Weakness (PSW)

The "Patterns of Strength and Weakness" method requires an extensive analysis of the student's performance, achievement or both, when compared to age, State approved grade level standards or intellectual development, using appropriate assessments.

Who Evaluates for Determination of SLD?

A Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) conducts a full and individual evaluation of a student suspected of having a specific learning disability. The MET, based upon its evaluation of the student, then makes its recommendation of eligibility to the Individualized Education Planning Team (IEPT). The student's IEPT then determines SLD eligibility.

If you suspect that your child has a specific learning disability, please contact the school's special education teacher.

At Academy of Warren, we use NWEA as our assessment tool: